Monday, November 11, 2013

She Moves Me

A dedication
          to the one(s) I love...

It seems like, if I kept a continual list of all my passions, that list would get longer and longer each year.  I have several, simple passions in my life.  People, things, objects, sounds, moments, and experiences that turn me on and tune me in.  Simple movement is one of them.  As many of you know, yoga is a big passion of mine.  I think about it... a lot.  I enjoy practicing as well as teaching.

For several years, I volunteer-taught a class for several older guys and gals with developmental disabilities.  They are scraggly bunch alright (they still attend the class, now taught by another teacher in training).  Some of them are non-verbal.  One man is deaf and nearly blind.   Another guy, Jason, is grumpy, sarcastic, and defiant.  Gruff.  Many of them have experienced extreme trauma and abuse in their lives.  Now they live in a group home and live a very structured lifestyle.  For most of them, it's a rough go.

But they find happiness in yoga.

I started teaching the class as part of my teacher training at the Soul of Yoga in Encinitas.  I had to do "seva" or service (volunteerism) as part of the course.  So, I chose to teach this class.  I was required to teach it for 2 weeks.  I ended up teaching it for nearly 2 years.  Why?

Because it filled my soul.

Every time this tall man, David, came in, he'd give me million dollar smile.  I was once able to get Jason to dance, after months of him refusing to move or participate.  I caught him swaying to a song I put on.  He turned to me, in all seriousness, and said, "this song is infectious".  That made my whole week.  And every time Ron would say "Mother's Day" instead of "namaste", at the end of class, I felt like I was getting paid in gold.

These passions for teaching and working with the special needs population have led to some of the greatest opportunities of my life.  And some of the most joyous moments.

During this time period, I worked up the ranks to become the Program Director of a service agency that provides mentoring and social coaching for young adults that have some form of autism or cognitive delay.  Many of them also suffer from anxiety, depression, and a debilitating lack of self-confidence.  And they are some of the most wonderful people I've ever met in my life.

That job also allowed me to work with some of the most intelligent, funny, and creative people on the planet.  Especially my staff and fellow colleagues.  There was never a dull day.  People can be so fascinating, and to help them realize that and feel that... well, there's that gold again.

My passion for teaching, my love of people and for service work, and my dedication to developing amazing, life-changing programs and experiences have kept me on my toes.

It's not always easy.  (But it's a love thing.)

Many of the clients I've worked with, who are highly capable individuals in their twenties and early thirties, came to our program because they needed socialization, guidance, and employment.  The company motto is: Support, Enrich, and Empower.

One of my personal goals was to develop, locate, and facilitate jobs for my clients, in which they give back to the community and the planet.  I wanted them to have purposeful and fulfilling work.  I wanted them, with all of their quirks and challenges (and often a total lack of experience), to be able to work at a job that gives them power, joy, and great purpose.  Imagine that.  People with "limited capabilities" giving back and doing service work.  How beautiful is that?

They can work with rescued animals.  They can promote recycling projects in elementary schools.  They can produce top dollar fine art.  They can deliver meals to the elderly.  They can grow and sell their own food.  And they can brighten anyone's day.

My passion is to help people realize their passion.

And I just can't stop.

This week's poem: a love poem for passion, with movement.

She Moves Me

There is something profoundly simple

             and sweet
      when our worlds suddenly meet

         somewhere on the surface
     passing in the streets
    There's a lure to the luminosity
       a sway in her soft gravity
            something constantly
          drawing us near
                   particles burst
       and swirl into songs
             longing to be heard

      Harmonious collisions
          break open constellations
             that supposedly hold us together
               and keep us apart

       There is so much creation
               yet to be made
            by two hands
                    just holding

         What will we whip up
       in the latest looms of our

          What will we stitch together
               that will last longer than the sun?

    I will wear anything that
         we can dance in

        For the particles keep falling
     and the songs keep getting better
 and better
          When we both lie and listen
               so closely



  1. I love your dream post. I'm really inspired by it. I know all your dreams are doable and I hope they all come true.

  2. I love your dream post. I'm really inspired by it. I know all your dreams are doable and I hope they all come true.
